Hier finden Sie wichtige Informationen zu den Themen Wohnen, Kosten, Anreise, Inskription, ÖH-Beitrag u.v.m, eine Checkliste unterstützt Sie dabei, Ihren ERASMUS-Aufenthalt bestmöglich vorzubereiten.
- Academic calendar
Please check our website at Incomings / students / Academic Calendar (German / English)
- Accommodation
Innsbruck is a town with 30.000 students; it is vital to arrange accommodation very early! Please check our leaflet for important information on housing.
Students from bordering regions (South-Tyrol, Southern Bavaria) have to be residents of Innsbruck for the study period and have to provide a confirmation of registration.
Download → Wohnen in Innsbruck
- Application
After your university nominated you for an Erasmus+ study period at PHT, you will receive an email with the link to the online application form. Applications have to be submitted latest by April 1 for winter term resp. November 1 for spring term.
Download → Checklist ERASMUS at PHT
- Arrival
Students will have to be present for the full term, late arrivals/early departures are not accepted. The academic calendar is available at: Incomings / students / Academic Calendar (German / English)
We recommend to arrive a few days ahead of the official semester start resp. the Welcome Day, so you have time to settle in already. Please make sure to arrange flight dates, accommodation and (if applicable visa etc.) according to this.
Student homes usually rent for full months only, but sometimes it is possible to move in earlier. You will have to send a request to your dormitory. Otherwise students stay in a youth hostel for the first days until their accommodation is available.
Download: → Checklist ERASMUS at PHT ; → Wohnen in Innsbruck
- Costs
Austrian Student Union membership fee: € 24,70.- (2024/25)
Accommodation: € 300,00 – 700,00 per month
Food: Lunch at PHT cafeteria € 5,50–6,50; general costs for food for a month € 250,00–300,00
Public transportation: semester ticket for students
ÖBB-Vorteilscard (reduction card) for studentsOther costs: books, making copies, and leisure time (courses on winter sports: when not held at PHT there are additional costs for accommodation, equipment and tickets to be covered by the students individuallyCourses
Classes start on the first day of the semester. It is very important to attend the first lesson of a course, as the lecturers will explain the workload and requirements for passing the course. Your timetable will be made available at the Welcome Day.
- Departure
Unless to visa-regulations, departure before the end of the official semester can't be accepted. Students will have to be present for the full term (no late arrivals/early departures). The academic calendar is available at Incomings / students / Academic Calendar (German / English)
Download: → Checklist End of Erasmus ; → Wohnen in Innsbruck
- Exams
There is no exam period at PHT. Courses resp. exams can be scheduled until the very last day of the semester. Courses often have an immanent exam character or exams are taken at the end of each course.
- Health insurance
For the enrollment process our administration needs proof of sufficient health insurance from all our incoming students.
Students from EU/EEA countries: For health insurance coverage in Austria all citizens from EU/EEA countries please obtain an EHIC Card (European Health Insurance Card). The EHIC card will give you access to the same services that are available to Austrian policy holders. This does apply for treatments which are medically necessary during your stay in Austria; regular medical check-ups or screenings are not covered.
International Students: Students who have no public health insurance are advised to obtain a student self-insurance policy.
Please also see:
- OeAD - Austrian national agency for Erasmus+
- OeAD leaflet on health insurance
- Learning Agreement
Please use the forms/database provided by your institution and fill in all data required. If there is no template available at your home university please contact the incoming student-coordinator at PHT for clarification and recommendations.
- PHT locations
PHT is proud to have a new campus at Pastorstraße 7.
- Public transportation
The “IVB-Semesterticket” is a special reduced ticket for students for public transportation in Innsbruck or the whole of Tyrol. This ticket is valid from March 1 resp. October 1 onwards.
There is no need to buy tickets online in advance; you can buy tickets easily and cheaper on site in Innsbruck. Also, a confirmation of registration has to be submitted with the ticket application, this confirmation will be made available on the Welcome Day.
- Student union membership fee
The Austrian Students Union (Österreichische Hochschülerschaft, short ÖH) is the general students' representative body in Austria and serves as the students' government by federal law. The ÖH is member of European Students' Union. Membership in the student union is compulsory for every university student in Austria, including international and exchange students.
See also → Costs
- Transcript of Records
The "Transcript of Records" including grades and completed ECTS will be issued after the end of the semester and sent to the student resp. the home institution.
- Travel
Most visitors prefer to fly to Munich Airport, as more airlines and cheaper rates are available for this airport. More information is available at International Office / Anreise (German/English).
Please inform yourself regularly about the current conditions for entry/residence in Austria: German / English
- Visa
Exchange students from non-EU/EEA countries might require a visa for Austria. This also applies if they have a residence permit from another European country. Please note that incoming students are responsible for their own visa application, the International Office is not involved in the application process. As processing a visa application may take up several weeks or even months, we strongly advise you to file your application as early as possible.
For more information on entry requirements and residence regulations please check the following websites
- OeAD - Austrian national agency for Erasmus+
- https://oead.at/en/to-austria/entry-and-residence/
- COVID-19
Last spring term, we were able to accompany all Erasmus students well through the difficult period. Many students also stayed in Innsbruck during the lockdown phase, and all students were able to continue and complete their courses online. Over the summer, extensive safety and hygiene concepts were developed for the upcoming academic year in order to be as well prepared as possible for the autumn and winter with COVID-19.
Current information on data and measures can be found under the following links:
- Land Tirol - Dashboard Covid 19 (German, English, Italian)
- Stadt Innsbruck - Dossier (German)
- Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege, Konsumentenschutz - COVID-19 - aktuelle Informationen (German and English)
- AGES (Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit) (Austrian State Agency for Health and Food Security) (German)
For questions concerning control measures at Austria's borders, the Bundesministerium für Inneres (Federal Ministry of the Interior) *) has provided information and documents on its homepage.
Current information on entry conditions German / English
*) website available in German only