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Courses & Teaching Placement


The course list is especially designed for international guest students and consists of several modular courses on international teacher competences, 20 resp. 25 ECTS per term. This course program is compulsory for incoming students.

As these compulsory 20 ECTS courses are held in English, so no knowledge of German is necessary!


We recommend to our incoming students:


The PHT can offer a certain number of teaching internships with accompanying seminars for incoming students (5 ECTS). 


Compulsory for non-German speaking students:

GERMAN COURSES especially for incomings

German Language Course (focus on reading and writing) level A1 or C1(1,5 ECTS)

German Language Course (focus on listening and talking) level A1 or C1 (1 ECTS)

According to German language levels, students can participate in courses from the regular PHT-course programme for primary education (Bachelor level) to reach 30 ECTS in total. 


Additional individual courses
If students need to fulfill 30 ECTS, additional courses can be chosen from the course program for primary education (bachelor level). For Incoming students with little or no German it is possible to choose from a range of courses where lecturers can give support in English. We especially recommend courses in Sports Education, Art, Craft & Design and Music. The curriculum for elementary and primary education is available (in German): Bachelorstudium "Lehramt Primarstufe", for more information and recommendations please contact the incoming students co-ordinator. 


Transfer of courses and ECTS
The sending institution is responsible for the transfer of courses and school practice. If required, more detailed descriptions of courses and modules will be made available.

For recommendations and more information please contact the Erasmus+ incoming-students coordination at PHT, Mag. Claudia Haas

