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How to become a better rater - insights from research and recipes for good practice



Lust auf einen kurzen, würzigen Input, der Ideen für Ihren Sprachenunterricht bringt?
Ideen und Impulse am Nachmittag und frühen Abend und dies von ihrem „Armchair“ von zu Hause aus.

Vortragende: Mag.a. Kathrin Eberharter, PhD MA
Anmeldung:  7F4.TFK5A04

Kathrin Eberharter is currently a senior lecturer at the University of Innsbruck, where she guides pre-service teachers in the principles of best practice for language testing and assessment. She earned an Austrian teaching degree and completed her MA and PhD at Lancaster University, specializing in language testing. Her primary research interests centre on evaluating L2 writing and speaking, with a dedicated focus on task development, writing processes, rating scale design, and rater cognition and training.    

This online webinar for EFL teachers will focus on how we rate student performance in writing and speaking assessments. The webinar will be based on findings from current research and I will link each finding to tips, strategies and tools that participants could try out as individuals or even as a team of teachers in their respective schools. The webinar will include interactive elements and discussion.

The webinar will cover the following topics:
- how do successful raters "think" while they rate and what can we learn from them?
- strategies for becoming a better rater
- advantages and disadvantages of different rating scales
- creating your own focused rating tools for specific tasks
- involving students in rating


 Weitere Veranstaltungen aus der Reihe "Armchair Webinars 24/25: Ideen für den Sprachenunterricht".
