PHT is proud to have more than 50 partner universities all over Europe. All our inter-institutional agreements are intended for the primary education sector. If the partners are also suitable for vocational education, nutrition and IC, this is noted.
- Belgium
Haute Ecole Robert Schuman / Arlon
Agreement to 2027/28; special needs, primary educationUniversité de Liège
Agreement to 2027/28Vives University College
Agreement to 2027/28; special needs educationUC Limburg / Leuven
Agreement to 2027/28; primary educationThomas More Kempen
Agreement to 2027/28; primary educationThomas More Mechelen-Antwerpen
Agreement to 2027/28; primary education, IT
- Czech Republic
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education, special needs education
- Denmark
VIA University College, Aarhus
Agreement to 2027/28, primary educationUniversity College South Denmark, Haderslev
Agreement to 2027/28, special needs education and primary educationUCL University College
Agreement to 2027/28, primary educationUniversity College Absalon
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education
- Finland
University of Helsinki
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education, special needs education
- France
Université de La Rochelle
Agreement to 2027/28, primary educationUniversité de Strasbourg/ IUFM d'Alsace
Agreement to 2027/28, primary educationUniversité Paris Nord 13
Agreement to 2027/28 - ONLY staff/lecturersUniversité de Poitiers / ESPE Académie de Poitiers
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education
- Germany
Technische Universität Dresden
Agreement to 2027/28, vocational education, food and nuitrition educationOtto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Agreement to 2027/28, vocational education, ICTUniversität Flensburg
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education, special needs educationPädagogische Hochschule - Schwäbisch Gmünd
Agreement to 2027/28, primary educationPädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe
Agreement to 2027/28, primary educationUniversität Regensburg
Agreement to 2027/28 - ONLY staff/lecturersUniversität Rostock
Agreement to 2027/28 - ONLY staff/lecturers
- Hungary
Óbuda University, Budapest
Agreement 2027/28, vocational educationEötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem ELTE Budapest, Faculty of Elementary and Nursery School Teacher's Training
Agreement to 2027/28, primary educationUniversity of Szeged
Agreement to 2027/28, special needs education
- Ireland (REP.)
Mary Immaculate College / University of Limerick
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education
- Ireland; Northern / UK
Stranmillis University College Belfast
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education, special needs education
- Italy
Università degli Studi di Padova
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education, special needs education - Italian level B2 obligatoryUniversità degli Studi di Foggia
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education - Italian level B2 obligatoryFreie Universität Bozen - Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften, Brixen / Libera Università di Bolzano - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Agreement to 2027/28; department in German: German C1, Italian or English B2; department in Italian: Italien C1, German or English B2.
- Latvia
University of Latvia, Riga
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education
- Lithuania
Vytautas Magnus University (former: Vilnius Pedagogical University)
Agreement to 2027/28
- Malta
University of Malta
Agreement to 2027/28, staff/lecturers only
- Netherlands
Hogeschool KPZ (former Katholieke Pabo Zwolle)
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education, special needs education
- Norway
University College of Southeast Norway
Agreement to 2027/28, primary educationVolda University College
Agreement to 2027/28
- Poland
Uniwersytet Warszawski/University of Warsaw
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education
- Portugal
Escola Superior de Educacao de Lisboa
Agreement to 2027/28, only with Portuguese level B1+Escola Superior de Educacao de Viana do Castelo
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education, only with Portuguese level B1+
- Romania
Universitatea "Lucia Blaga" din Sibiu
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education
- Spain
Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbao
Agreement to 2027/28, primary, only with Spanish level B2+Universitat de València (Escuela Universitaria de Magisteri "Ausiàs March")
Agreement to 2027/28; primary education, special needs education, only with Spanish level B2+Universidad Católica de Valencia "San Vicente Mártir"
Agreement to 2027/28; primary education, only with Spanish level B2+Universidad de Almería
Agreement to 2027/28; primary education, special needs education, only with Spanish level B2+Universidad de Cádiz
Agreement to 2027/28 - ONLY staff/lecturers
- Sweden
University of Örebro
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education and special needs education. Only winter term!Kristianstad University
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education and special needs education. Only spring term!
- Switzerland
Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education and special needs educationHaute Ecole pédagogique du canton de Vaud - Lausanne
Agreement to 2027/28, primary education
- Turkey
Ankara University
Agreement to 2027/28, primary educationYildiz Teknik Üniversitesi/ Yildiz Technical University
Agreement to 2027/28Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University
Agreement to 2027/28
- UK
Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford
Agreement to 2027/28, primary educationHavering College of Further and Higher Education
Agreement to 2027/28, staff/lecturers only