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COVID-19 - latest measures 7.11. – 6.12.2020

COVID-19 - latest measures 7.11. – 6.12.2020



According to § 13 of the current Covid-19 school regulations, all schools are set to traffic light phase RED. This also applies to our practice schools.

As specified in § 15, the COVID-19 Notmaßnahmenverordnung (Emergency Measures Regulations) does not apply to universities and university colleges. 
Accordingly, universities and university colleges have the option of defining the measures with their own regulations.
From 7.11.2020 up to and including 6.12.2020, the following measures (in summary) apply at our university:

  • All courses and examinations are held in virtual form.
    Exceptions: Courses which take place in workshops and kitchens, where students have to physically work with materials. Commissioned final exams (defensions) can be held in dual/hybrid form in the large lecture hall.
  • Until 6.12.2020, practical sports courses and all other courses approved for attendance by the vice-rectors and head of departments may not be held. These must therefore take place either virtually or at a later date after 6.12.2020.
  • All meetings and discussions take place virtually.
  • Attendance at the university is only permitted for defined key personnel. Who is a key personnel is determined by the Rectorate, the Rectorate Directorate or the responsible heads of departments. Strict security conditions apply to key personnel whose presence is absolutely necessary (e.g. max. 1 person per room, masks must be worn until the workplace). Key personnel receive a "service confirmation" for their work at the PH Tirol. All other staff members work from home office.
  • Library operations: The library remains closed. Interlibrary loans are suspended.
  • Access by persons not affiliated with the university is prohibited.
  • The practice schools keep their facilities open for learning support and supervision.

Further information can be found in our COVID-19 guideline:

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